Dec 21, 2011


What It Really Means: This sign is promoting a carpet cleaner, but there are thousands of other like it in the right-of-way across Montgomery. And what they are really saying is this:

...we don't much care about the looks of our community. We'll put up this litter-on two metal sticks anywhere...we'll keep your carpets clean but your streets dirty!
      Where you find one of these, others soon pop up. And they are illegal! Ironically, a top city official told me the biggest violators are non-profit groups. One had a sign advertising an event right near the commercial sign shown above, and ever more ironically, that non-profit is located in a beautiful setting where signs like this are banned.

[WIRM is a regular feature of this website. It's an effort to point our the less-than-obvious message some signs and other things send.]

1 comment:

  1. A few weeks ago a non-profit had a fund-raising event involving a race through Old Cloverdale streets. They erected two black metal posts to hold a large sign in the College Street Park. I don't know if they had permission from the city.

    The sign is gone now but the two metal posts are still there. This creates a hazard for anyone running or walking into those posts.
