Mar 31, 2012

Light's Out!

     That call to arms reminds me of Boarding School and Summer Camp, but it's for a global Turn Off You Lights (for an hour) event this evening, 8:30 - 9:30

  •      Has our attention span gotten so short that even Earth Day is too long?
  •      Are some people really going to turn everything electrical ON to make their point, whatever that might be?
  •     Alabama IS coal country, and the coal power plants here emit more toxins than almost anywhere, no? We drive more cars with just one person and have less Mass transit. We fight any and all EPA initiatives because that's the Feds interfering with our freedom. Yet there was Mayor Todd Strange at the news conference endorsing a very environmentalist promotion.
Nonetheless, you can watch a video and get more information about tonight's Montgomery event at the Urban Farm Downtown here, courtesy of ABC 32 (We're getting closer and closer to the day when they, CBS 8 and The CW move into our beautiful new HD facility!) 

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