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Mar 12, 2012

Our Mus-Chr-Dk President

A Poll of Alabama Voters in advance of tomorrow's Primary Election:

Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a 
Muslim, or are you not sure?

Christian 14% 
Muslim 45% 
Not sure 41%

[Public Policy Poll of 600 likely Republican voters.]


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is so sad. Against all evidence, and depending on innuendo promulgated by know-nothings, 86% of those polled do not believe that our president is what he says he is. Though I am neither conservative nor religious, I have known some -- make that many -- righteous people of faith who held fast to their conservatism, basing their beliefs on reason, not rumor, and principle, not prejudice. How sad for them as well.

  3. Six hundred "likely to vote Republican" voters were polled?

    Results predictable.
