Apr 9, 2012

MMMM # 199 --- Journalism on Film

     Another journalism movie is out...it's set in... The South and the subject is...race. At least it is based on a true story and somewhat reflects the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida.
     Deadline premiered yesterday as a fundraiser for the Reporter's Committee for Freedom of The Press.
     I'm a sucker for movies about my profession, so I'm sure to catch it at some point.


     The 100th Anniversary of the sinking of The Titanic prompted The AP to produce a piece about how it changed journalism, yet I could find only one paper that used it...a college paper in Texas at that.
     I did think the writers comparison of the impact on society of wireless telegraph as like the impact of Twitter on us today. Really? Nonetheless, an interesting piece about a long-gone era of journalism.  

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this website. The next MMMM will mark the 200th entry in this series!]


  1. Damn that auto-correct!
    Appreciate the note!

  2. Well, Anon, I think Tim was thinking about The Day of Reckoning, which occurs every April 15. In this year we get a reprieve and don't have to file until Monday, April 16.
