Apr 10, 2012

MMMM Addendum -- Ken Hare

     I should have included a link to The Montgomery Advertiser's editorial about the retirement of Editorial chief Ken Hare in  Monday's MMMM...but then again perhaps Ken deserves a recognition...an "appreciation" is the word journalists use these days...all of his own.
     During the decade I hosted For The Record on APT, he was one of the regulars. an always-welcomed, calm, knowledgeable voice and visage in the sometimes stormy world of TV Talk (OK, not so much on FTR, but you get the idea).
     I spoke with Ken a few weeks ago as we waited for a news conference to begin and he was commenting that he knew his editorials were about on the mark when he received angry mail from both sides.
    Ken's retirement from The Advertiser does leave a giant hole, another in a much cratered landscape of print journalism these days.
   Retirement can mean a lessening of the pressures that is welcome, but a writer writes. And I'm confident Ken will do just that in some form.

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