May 22, 2012


     The Washington Post has a list of college students and how long they study each week, ranked by their majors.
     Can you believe Theater Majors study longer than Accounting students?


  1. Can't oopen the link, but anyway, I'm not surprised.

    In accounting one studies until the material is understood. This may take a long time, or not.

    In theatre, one is expected to attend and to be involved in actual production of plays, including scenery, lighting, front-office as well as acting.

  2. Hey Jay...the link is fine on this end..

  3. I hit the wrong blue-highlighted wording. Got to the study.

    As the comments in the story said-there are a lot of factors, known and unknown, in this "study."

    Remember the three kinds of lies.

    1. Lies.
    2. Damn lies.
    3. Statistics.
