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Jun 7, 2012

George Wallace's Shoes

     During an interview for the "Where Is Arthur Bremer" report I produced in April for the 40th anniversary of the shooting of the former Governor, Bob Bradley at the Archives told me a funny story about Wallace.
     At some point, Wallace came to the Archives to look at the artifacts from that day in Laurel, and Bob was removing them piece by piece from the storage shelves, holding them out for him to see.
    When he held out the shoes Wallace had been wearing, Wallace started shaking his head, saying "I can't believe it" several times. Bradley was horrified, realizing that he was holding out the very last shoes Wallace ever walked in...but he asked "what is it Governor?", cringing as he waited for the answer.
    "I can't believe I wore shoes with buckles!" said Wallace.
     Bradley told me he thinks the Governor knew exactly what was going on and made the quip to relieve the tension and save him from embarrassment.

     Those shoes are in display case on the main floor of The Archives building. They will eventually become part of  The Museum of Alabama inside the Archives Building.

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