Jun 25, 2012

Nudity in Space

     Now there's a post topic sure to attract hits.
     As you may have read, The Voyager spacecraft is about to leave out solar system. Voyager was launched in 1977, and it has taken this long to reach interstellar space.
     The article that prompted this posting is filled with information about Voyager past, present, and future, and mentions the "golden record"...and record player...that are board. It contains a record of Earth and a sample of it's accomplishments, though the odds of any civilization coming across it are infinitesimal, given the size of the cosmos.
The plaque on Pioneer. Here We Are!
     But before Voyager, there were The Pioneer spacecraft in 1972 and 1973. They're already out there, waiting to be discovered, naked drawings and all, though they have stopped reporting back
     There's a persistent and wrong story about NASA objecting to the nudity on the plaque on the exterior of the craft, but Astronomer Carl Sagan says there were no such complaints:

 In the many discussions that I held with such officials up to the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the President's Science Adviser, not one Victorian demurrer was ever voiced; and a great deal of helpful encouragement was given...The idea of government censorship of the Pioneer 10 plaque is now so well documented and firmly entrenched that no statement from the designers of the plaque to the contrary can play any role in influencing the prevailing opinion. But we can at least try.

     Nonetheless, worry about the issue prevented Sagan from putting fully nude photographs of humans on the Voyager Golden Record, Instead a silhouette of humans is all alien culture will get. There is music, including Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry, and the New Guinea Men's House Song. 
     Whatever will they make of it all?

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