Jun 30, 2012

Planes follow cars

     This week's announcement that Airbus may begin assembling planes in Mobile is being compared to the decision by European automakers to assemble their vehicles in the American South in the 1980's. Mercedes selected Alabama in 1993, starting the auto-assembly age in the state. Alabama's incentives to Mercedes were worth as much as $300-Million. It was the "tax" the state had to pay to overcome years of legalized segregation and historic mistreatment of her people.
B-52 24 assembly during WWII
     The Wall Street Journal reports Boeing is complaining (again) about Airbus receiving illegal subsidies back home.. But as much as $100-Million could be provided by Alabama to attract the one-thousand job plant.
     Alabama's status as a "Right To Work"---i.e.---NON-union state, is a prime factor is the companies opening plants here. Airbus doesn't seem to be concerned about the international bad-press over the state's Immigration law, though a Mercedes executive from Germany was famously arrested for "not having his papers" last year.


  1. Tim: I believe the aircraft in the picture are B-24s.

  2. Right you are!!!...and at a plant in Willow Run. Thanks for the catch. Tim
