Jul 19, 2012

APT Lawsuit -- The Other Shoe

     Bob Carlton at The Birmingham News has the story of a lawsuit filed against the Alabama Public Television Commission by the ousted Executive Director.
     Closed door meetings, violations of the APT charter, interfering with programming...quite a list of charges. Will it ever get to a jury?


  1. Mr.Lennox
    This comment comes from aldotcom I would hope this person"freedom5" apperciate this info being
    posted here

    freedom5 writes on8/4

    “It is just the stress of continuing here,” he added. “I thought it was starting to affect me both physically and mentally. It (resigning) is just something I felt like I needed to do.”
    How many Millions of Dollars would the State of Alabama and the Alabama Educational Television Foundations, saved had you resigned instead of seeking to further your own Political Agenda, as a Supervisor at APT?
    How about the Multi- Million Dollar Micro-wave system Alabama Public Television received from, Was it Sprint, in exchange for the old Micro-wave routes over the State of Alabama, the two micro-wave Experts who were the “leaders” of the Engineering Department at APT, when they were more interested in their Political Agenda of trying to run those people they thought were smarter than them, even as the most important thing to those two “leaders” was their lofty Titles, rather than getting that Micro-Wave System operating properly, and in their desire to rid APT of those they considered smarter than they were, actually transferred one of the Micro-Wave Employees that had always been able to make the APT Micro-Wave System operate properly to another position, and then after that didn’t succeed in getting that person to resign from APT, he was transferred to another position with APT, and the Head Engineer, ask one of the Employees of APT, if they thought that person would actually transfer to the position, he is employed by APT even today?
    Had it not been for the Political Agenda of the “leaders” of the Engineering Department, the “New” Micro-Wave System would have been made operable by the person that was transferred from being a Micro-wave Engineer, to other positions in an effort to get that person to resign from APT, but the Political Agenda of those people was More important than saving the TAX PAYERS of Alabama and the contributors to the almost constant “Beg-A-Thons” Millions of Dollars, as the Political Agenda was the most important thing to those cohorts of your wasn’t it, and there wouldn’t have been a need for APT/Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority to spend Millions of Dollars over the last 8 years leasing Satellite, time to replace the Micro-Wave System of APT that has been the Heart and Soul of transmitting the signal from the Studios of APT to their Transmitter sites.
    Had your dedication and the dedication of your fellow “leaders” of APT been one –fourth of the dedication of the Engineer that worked out the details and logics of the Micro-Wave System of APT, when APT went on the air, in the late 1950s, there would NEVER have been any reason to spend Millions of Dollars leasing time on a Satellite, to get APT’s television signal from the Studios of APT, to the Transmitter sites, but again, the Political Agenda of you and your comrades was more important than installing that “new” Micro-wave system, properly so there wouldn’t be any need for paying the Millions of Dollars for a Satellite Uplink for APT, isn’t that the TRUTH, Mr. Grantham?
    None of that was stressful as you and your comrades knew the TAX PAYERS of Alabama and the Contributors to the Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority had “DEEP POCKETS” and you and your fellow “leaders” of APT, certainly didn’t mind wasting those Millions of Dollars while you and your friends were plotting against those Employees y’all feared would upset y’alls Political Agenda, now the Birds have come home to roost, haven’t they Mr. Grantham?
    Had your dedication been to what was in the best interest of APT, instead of your own Political Agenda, you wouldn’t be under the stress you mention in your letter of resignation, would you, Mr. Grantham?

    More to come.

  2. He writes earlier on 8/3

    “Chris Townes, benefits director for RSA, also had said the RSA has approved consulting contracts in the past that exceeded the $22,000 limit as long as the work is temporary. For example, a school board couldn't hire a retired employee to be a principal as a consultant because that would be purposely circumventing the guidelines, he said.”
    Mr. Townes should look into whether Charles Grantham has been receiving Payments from the Retirement Systems of Alabama, as the Records of the Alabama Educational Foundation Authority paid Charles Grantham $114, 965, as the Chief Operating Officer of Alabama Public Television, for the year 2010 and that certainly wasn’t as a part time consultant, as it has been reported in the News media, Mr. Grantham has been the COO of Alabama Public Television since 2006.
    If Charles Grantham has been receiving payments from the Retirement Systems of Alabama for all of that time, (6 years) while he has was being paid by the Alabama Educational Foundation Authority, it would appear he has defrauded the RSA of hundreds of thousands of Dollars, and if that is the case, the RSA should take appropriate action to keep Greedy people from abusing the Funds of the Retirement Systems of Alabama, as the News Media keeps saying how much the RSA is being financed by the TAX PAYERS of Alabama, and such an egregious action by anybody, should be punished to the full extent of the Law, to prevent others from STEALING from the RSA.

    “Townes said this afternoon that RSA has asked the Alabama Attorney General's Office for an opinion on whether someone in Richardson's situation is eligible to receive the retirement benefits while working under the current arrangement with the state board of education. But he said it's not a matter of what's being done is legal or illegal.”

    “David G. Bronner, chief executive officer of RSA, requested the opinion in a letter dated Friday to Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange. "The circumstances of these reemployment arrangements strongly suggest that RSA participant employers are using payment through a third party or personal services contract as a device to circumvent suspension of the retiree's retirement benefit."
    While Mr. Grantham may not have been receiving payments from the Retirement Systems of Alabama, it appears that may be the reason he was being paid by the Alabama Educational Foundation Authority, had he been being paid by the State of Alabama, his Pension would be increasing for each year he worked for APT, as a State Employee, over 6 years, his Pension would have increased by about 12% at the time he applied for his RSA retirement benefits, and he claims he has been working for APT for 35 years, which indicates he would be getting a Large Sum of Money from the RSA, while he was being paid more than $114,000 at least for the year 2010.
    The case can be investigated simply by checking form 990 of the Alabama Educational Television Foundation Authority. Return of organization exempt from Income Tax for the year 2010. And then check to see if Charles Grantham has received any payments from the RSA during that period.
    Never the less this matter should be properly investigated by the RSA and the proper actions should be taken, if there has been a violation of the RSA rules for “Double-Dipping.”

    It's about time the AETC cleaned house !
    What a show for the taxpayers of this
    great State
