Jul 23, 2012

MMMM # 223 -- The New News

     There was a story this week about the growth of YouTube as a source of news. CNN was among those producing reports based on the research by the folks at Pew.
     It paints YouTube as a citizen "witness" platform, where people can, in theory, post news video to give viewers a dose of "news".
     But it's not that simple. Go to YouTube and type in the word Alabama. Almost every entry in the first few pages is related to music or sports, not to anything of news value in Alabama. We can thank the popularity of the group Alabama...and new group Alabama Shakes for a lot of that. As for sports, well, this is Alabama after all.
     Perhaps the day will come when videos are localized but it's not here now. The haphazard nature of citizen journalism is an inherent problem. Nobody is getting a paycheck, so the news gathering and reporting is whatever whenever. 

[ALSO: Alabama's soon-to-be TDAW newspapers are answering questions again in a column in the Sunday editions. They continue to assure readers all will be well, but of course that's what you would expect.]

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of www.timlennox.com]

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