Jul 8, 2012

They have NO Humanity.

     That's the conclusion I'm forced to after reading about the Iraqi man who blew himself and seven members of his family up.

     (he killed)  his target as well as his wife, three of their teenage children, his brother and another relative. 

     His target was his own cousin, who sides with the Iraqi Government.
     In what other society is it acceptable, even laudable, to kill your own children, your own brother and wife, to make a political or religious point? 
     This is the same country where funerals and church services are popular bombing targets too.
    Why are we even bothering with people like that? There are crazy American people, lots of 'em, but our society knows they are crazy and jails (or executes) them when they are captured.
    The American service men and women who went to Iraq (or Afghanistan) and risked their lives, or the relatives of those who died "freeing" those countries, what must they think of this? 

[UPDATE: I neglected to mention the Taliban execution of a woman accused of adultry, and a meeting of nations in which is was decided to provide another $16-Billion to prop up the corrupt Karzai presidency, with the promise of reform, of course.]

[UPDATE 2: TIME magazine concludes the execution is evidence of a failed government.]

1 comment:

  1. Emotionally, I concur with your feelings. Intellectually, I offer the following warning.

    When one posits an assertion in the negative, the opposite must first be true, because logically, the negative cannot be proven. That is, for something to NOT exist, it must first exist.

    How does that relate? Here's how: If we dehumanize another - as those individuals apparently have done - we do not risk becoming like them, we have become like them. Becoming the object of one's hatred is the inevitable result of hate.

    And yet, I think that I understand the gist of your remarks, that such behavior is incomprehensible.
