Aug 14, 2012

Analysis: Lyon vs The Democrats

      On the surface, the battle between Democratic Party Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee Harry Lyon and the Democratic Party recalls the epic fight between Bill Baxley and Charlie Graddick for the Democratic nomination for Governor....but that's only on the surface.
      CBS 8 Political Analyst Steve Flowers retold the story of that huge 1986 battle in a column in 2009. It resulted in Guy Hunt being elected the first Republican Governor in Alabama since Reconstruction when voters rebelled against the party's decision to name Bill Baxley the nominee, even though Charlie Graddick got more votes.
     That was then, this is now. The GOP dominates state politics now and there won't be any need for a rebellion. If they can get a lawyer with name recognition in the position, Democrats and enough anti-Moore Republicans could tilt the election toward the new nominee. But who?

Democratic Party Chair Kennedy
Former Chief Justice Cobb
CBS 8 Political Analyst Flowers

     Flowers was a guest on CBS 8 This afternoon at 5:00pm, and said he expects Lyons to be removed. Who will be the new appointee/nominee? Party Chair Mark Kennedy has told us at CBS 8 he will not be the candidate, and FLowers says former Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb has ruled herself out (after all, she quit the office when she had it...hard to convince voters to put you in a job you gave up).
     Democrats will hold a hearing about Harry Lyon on Friday, and they may very well toss that perennial candidate off the ballot for violating party regulations. Democrats want someone with a chance of winning to go up against former Chief Justice Roy Moore, and that's not Lyon. It may not be any Democrat, but it's not Lyon.

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