Aug 30, 2012

More on APT

     A radio Station in Dothan has posted a story about Alabama Public Television that includes a different take on the drama. But the story depends so heavily on unnamed sources and has some easily verified mistakes that it's hard to see the forest through the trees.
     I've previously posted about the new Washington studio that the agency built, and how little it appears to be used, but the new report suggests the former Executive Director Alan Pizzato used it as an excuse to go visit his daughter, who lives in D.C.
    The piece appears to be pushback against the stories that have presented Pizzato as some kind of  liberal-leaning knight standing up against evil conservative forces that would compromise the agency's editorial freedom. Pizzato has sued the agency. The story, for example, refers to previous stories by

 " the liberal press or mainstream media."

     The only thing that surprised me was that they didn't refer to the "lamestream media"
     Anyway, another chapter, much of it anonymous, in the APT story.

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