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Nov 3, 2012

Impossible to escape...

     My mailbox was filled with political direct mail pieces today...from the GOP warning me that  "Obama Chicago style politics" has gotten Judge Bob Vance appointed as Democratic nominee for Supreme Court Chief Justice. (Vance was picked as the nominee after the original Democratic nominee imploded.) Yet the GOP party mailing never mentions the GOP nominee for Chief Justice...Roy Moore... who was thrown out of the same office for refusing to obey a higher court order.
     Another mailing from the Alabama Republican Party urges voters to cast a straight party ticket, including votes for Montgomery County Commissioner Ham Wilson and Republican Probate Judge Reese McKinney.
     But individual mailings from McKinney and Wilson remind people who are voting a straight Democratic ticket that they can do so and then change their straight ticket by voting in favor of them (McKinney or Wilson) before submitting the ballot.
     The same, of course, is true for voters casting straight Republican tickets. They can, for example, select the straight Republican ticket and then change their vote for Republican Roy Moore to Democrat Bob Vance.

[PLUS: A Top Southern Baptist has had a change of mind. After insisting he would never endorse a candidate, Richard Land says Go Romney!]

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