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Nov 24, 2012

Killer Rights

     When I think of all of the places I have worked over the years, there has been, almost without exception, a crazy guy on the staff.
     You know what I mean...someone a little off kilter, perhaps nearing "unbalanced", certainly not someone you would want to see with a gun in their hands at the next desk or work station.*
     Now comes Alabama State Senator Roger Bedford offering legislation to allow Alabama workers the right to carry guns with them to work. He's introduced the bill before without success.
     The legislation has two historic partners on opposite sides.
     The Business Council of Alabama, a huge lobbying force for corporations, is against it. But The National Rifle Association, the lobbyist for all-things-firepower is for it.
     I would love to know where some of the major Alabama companies stand on this issue.
     Do the big retailers who actually sell guns allow their employees to come to work armed?

[*excepting my current employer, of course, where I may be the off-kilter one. Hold your applause, please. (-: ]


  1. Imagine if the infamous Bishop-Barron fistfight on the Alabama Senate floor had escalated into a shoot-out!

  2. Lol @ Bedford for wasting time on this! People are going to carry guns to work or anywhere else they go whether legal or not, just like they use drugs, drive drunk, etc. IMHO, his time would be better spent focusing on the economic problems Alabama is facing.

  3. Some years ago Minnesota passed a law allowing just about anyone to carry guns anywhere unless the property owner forbade this.

    Soon stores, restaurants and even churches posted signs on their front doors saying that packing heat isn't permitted in their establishments.
