Nov 12, 2012

MMMM #246 -- FOX cries Bias!

1)     FOX says the "Mainstream Media" was biased against Romney, helping Obama win reelection.
      On the other hand, read the N.Y. Times article praising FOX for siding with news over political propaganda at least on election night.

2) A journalism student was suspended for asking questions?
     Well, the story is a bit more complicated than that, but still.
     He was doing an classroom-assigned profile story about a coach, and ended his request for quotes to coaches at other schools with this line:

"Be as forthcoming as you like, what you say about (the coach) does not have to be positive."

     One of the coaches wrote back that he found that last line objectionable. The student says he was just trying to explain that he was not writing a puff piece.
     The student also wrote he worked for his school's Public Affairs office, when in fact he was only an intern there. Some internships are paid, would it make any difference then?
     But the school's main objection was to his contacting the outside coaches in the first place, suggesting he was somehow stalking the subject of his story. Now there's a great lesson for the young would-be journalists!

     The bigger objection from my standpoint is his "request for quotes" method of gathering information. Is that how The State University of New York teaches students to gather information for a story? Like actual interviews are passe'?

     An education rights group called FIRE got involved and the student's suspension was lifted.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of]

1 comment:

  1. Malarkey on the NYT puff piece on Fox News. The Fox powere-that-were kept their eyes on the other networks, of course, and they couldn't do anything else than call the election for Obama.
