Feb 17, 2013

Lincoln Lies

    I know the movie Lincoln probably won't be a huge hit here in The Deep South, but I loved it, for Daniel Day Lewis' acting if nothing else.
     Steven Spielberg plans to distribute copies to every middle and high school in the country that requests a copy.
     And there's the rub. In the climactic scene in which the House is voting on the 13th Amendment, two Connecticut house members are heard voting against it. Yet all of the House delegation from that state voted for it.
Slaves depicted in Montgomery at The Alabama River.
     Maureen Dowd in today's New York (Watch for the pay wall) Times, points out that they went to the trouble of using the actual sounds of the President's pocket watch, yet were sloppy with such an important vote?
     Do read her column, which is about fakes in the movies (is that not an oxymoron?)
     In an historical drama, should there not be be an an adherence to the truth? George Washington gets all the I-can-not-tell-a-lie credit, but wasn't it Lincoln who worked through the falseness of slavery in a Democracy, and the need for a Constitutional protection against it?

1 comment:

  1. I'm a Connecticut Yankee, and I gasped at that scene. Couldn't have been true, I said to myself.
