Feb 25, 2013

MMMM #364 --- New Media, New Censors, New Drones.

Very old media guys
A Forbes Magazine column contrasts new social-media oriented /digital reporters, who are "trusting in Google" and "angling stories and headlines to give them the best chance of reaching the world"....with the veterans from decades past.

These were called typewriters.
A New Website.
Anyone who has worked as a reporter for any length of time has come across examples of what's being called The New American Government Censorship! It requires all employees of a government agency to refer reporters to a Public Information Officer, and forbids them from talking with a reporter without that supervision.
Some reporters are pushing back! There's even a website: Stop The New American Censorship!

Melton Barker
On The Media 
The Public Radio show this week included an interesting segment about a man who in the 50's, 60's and 70's traveled the country making the same move, over and over, with a new cast of non-actors chosen in each small town he visited. Sounds like a movie itself, no? I had never heard of filmmaker Melton Barker before, but he made the movie "The Kidnappers Foil" in towns across the country,  including at keast five in Alabama, including Opelika, Birmingham and Anniston. The actors, many of them children, paid a fee ($8 - $14) to be "trained" to be in the movie, of course,

These are called drones. They extend a reporter's view.
Droning on....
We've written about using drones in media..mostly to see the scene of a story from above. But an article in Fast Company magazine offers up a much broader (and perhaps less alarming) view of using the pilot-less craft for stories.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of timlennox.com]

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