Feb 26, 2013

Political Divide

     Two stories of note today underlining the evolution (or devolution) of the GOP...New Jersey Governor Chris Christie joined the growing number of Republican Governors deciding they do want to expand Medicaid in their states under the Obamacare provision.
     Meanwhile Alabama's Republican Governor, Robert Bentley said today he's still dead set against Medicaid expansion ("...why expand a system that is broken?" he asks.)
     And U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) ignored the chorus of Republicans back home and voted for Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense. The steering committee of the Alabama Republican Party had even called Shelby out in public, calling on him to reverse his support of Hagel. He didn't even respond.  
     What is the Alabama GOP going to do to Shelby anyway? Refuse to renominate him for a 6th term in office (presuming he runs again in 2016, which is doubtful)? He'll be 79 in May.

[UPDATE: Charles Dean has an interesting take in The Birmingham News on the GOP division.]

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