Feb 20, 2013

UA's Harlem Shake (NOT)

     The University of Alabama, which went after the artist who created collector paintings of their most impressive Crimson Tide Moments, has now clamped down on a student who wanted to make a video of students doing the Harlem Shake.
     If you don't know what that is, well, think group dance and flash mob. Kinda. If you don't know what a flash mob is, just move on.
     Anyway, The Huffington Post has a lengthy story about the almost-arrest of the student who organized the non-event.
   Here is a Harlem Shake.

     But there are a million others, each unique. The only connection (so far as I can tell) is that one person in the group starts moving by himself, and then the others join in. Costumes are kinda mandatory. OK. I give up.

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