Feb 24, 2013

Will Joe Biden Visit the other, previous VP?

The Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, 2012
     Vice President Joe Biden will be in Selma, Alabama next week for the annual bridge crossing Jubilee. It commemorates the beating of civil rights protesters by Alabama State Troopers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in 1965.

     While he's in Selma, Biden might stop by the grave of the only Vice President of The United States to be sworn in on foreign soil. Congress passed a specific bill allowing it.

      On March 24, 1853, William Ruffus King was sworn in as the nation's 13th VP on his virtual deathbed in Cuba, where he had gone in an attempt to be cured of TB. It was thought the climate would help him. It did not. He returned to the U.S. and died at his plantation in Selma on April 18th.
     King named Selma and was one of the city's founders. His grave is in Live Oak cemetery.

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