Apr 22, 2013

MMMM #375 -- Investigative Pioneer

“The war had such an impact on me that anybody who is president must have, if not some direct military service, some kind of military training or knowledge. Because nobody should be commander in chief unless they have some knowledge of what the hell war is about.” 

                                  Murrey Marder, who helped bring down Sen. Joseph McCarthy
                                                             (But doesn't get credit like Edward R Murrow)

      Marder worked for The Washington Post for 39 years and died last month after a lifetime of investigative journalism. His passing generated headlines that described him as "tenacious about the truth". And what more praise can there be for a journalist?
Rehearsing before taping a segment at Trenholm Tech.
     In my class at Trenholm Tech (registration deadline for the next class is 5-23-13), rule number one about stories is they must be true....no exceptions.
     Is it true if its online? Is it true if it is in a book? Is it true because a public official says it?
     Not necessarily. The job of the journalist is to determine to the best of her or his ability what is true.
     If someone maintains the planets revolve around the Earth, toss it to the curve without regret. Some truths are easily established. But if someone says (see my post on Sunday) a West Virginia 8th grader has the same free-speech rights in his classroom as a voter at a political forum, the line is much less clear. Talk with people with relevant opinions and let your readers/viewers decide for themselves.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of www.TimLennox.com]

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