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Jun 26, 2013

And Today, The Reverse.

     In a previous post I mentioned the lack of comment from the GOP regarding the SCOTUS decision on the Voting Rights Act. The party says it is trying to attract African-American voters, so perhaps for them, silence was best.  But the Demos were out with loud critiques of the decision.

Here it is another day, and it's the Demos who are rather quiet. No news releases (that I've seen) from the Demos--official party or splinter Democratic Majority--- supporting the twin gay-marriage decisions, and hyperbole from the GOP, as in this from Chairman Armistead:
This is an affront to the Christian principles that this nation was founded on. The federal government is hijacking marriage, a uniquely religious institution, and they must be stopped

"Whether by a constitutional amendment or other means, US taxpayers should not be forced by their government to reward those who choose to engage in activity that had been banned in 35 states. This is a nation founded on Christian values and the Bible is very clear on marriage - one man and one woman. Alabama's state law banning gay marriage will prevent these benefits from being extended in Alabama, but our tax dollars will still go to support a lifestyle that we fundamentally disagree with"

Meanwhile the only openly gay member of the Alabama Legislature---Rep. Patrician Todd--- says she will go to court to overturn the state version of DOMA in light of today's SCOTUS rulings:

"I never thought we would be this far down the road to equality and I could not be happier,"


  1. I don't think the federal government has "hijacked marriage, a uniquely religious institution." I think Las Vegas did this. A man and a woman joined in marriage by an Elvis impersonator "minister" is a far cry from a religious "institution." Does not "one man - one woman" mean just that? Not one man, his first wife, his second wife, etc.?

  2. For some people, Elvis IS a religion.

    Armistead is ridiculous. It is a myth that America was founded as a Christian nation. Many of the founders were deists. They saw the problems with a close connection between church and state, and didn't want the same to happen on this side of the Big Pond.

  3. What activity has been "banned in 35 states?"

  4. What activity has been "banned in 35 states?" Oh, I was thinking betting on football. Silly me.
