Jul 14, 2013

Mosquitoes Must Hate Me

True: I can not remember the last time I was bitten by a mosquito. And I'm outdoors plenty.
Smithsonian to the rescue with this article:

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others?

Also True: I did a story on abandoned cemeteries once and ended up with enough red-bug bites on my legs to put me in agony for a week.

But mosquitos? Not a one.


  1. I'm another one. I think it must be something, because my father was the same way. I can be sitting out on the poarch at night, and while she's spraying herslf with repellent because she's being eaten alive, I'm not even aware of the mosquitos.

  2. I'll send some mosqitos over to your house from my backyard, Tim.
