Jul 20, 2013

The Shakes keep shakin'

Ya just have to be amazed at the meteoric rise of The Alabama Shakes....consider this from The Hollywood Reporter:

...as compelling as the Shakes are live -- and they are an unquestionable force -- the most exciting part of the show might have been watching thousands of music fans, many of whom were in their teens and twenties, losing their minds and rocking out to songs that conjured up the true greats, from Redding and Chuck Berry to Springsteen. Keeping that spirit alive, and exposing new fans to what is, in a sense, quintessential American music, may be the Shakes' greatest gift.

      When we Alabamians are distressed at the state's failings...when we show up again at the bottom of a list of states in any number of categories, we can at least take pride in the state's lengthy music and sports legend.
     If you've somehow missed this North Alabama band's rise to the top, go to their YouTube page and turn up the volume.


  1. The problem is, Tim, that not enough Alabamians are distressed about the state's chronic bottom-of-the-barrel situation.

  2. True, of course, and the success in football and music does allow excuses...but I suppose better to celebrate something rather than nothing...
