Oct 28, 2013

MMMM #413 -- Facebook, The News Source

      The PEW folks are out with a study of Facebook, and they've determined that Facebook is a source of news for a significant percentage of people.
     This goes back to the definition of news. Any information that is new to you, is news to you...from Sunday's death of Lou Reed to the day's car bombings in Iraq to a TMZ gossip posting about a celebrity. 
     If you cast a wide enough net, virtually ever online location is a news site.
     The study does define news and news consumers:

"Facebook news consumers are defined as those who answered that they “ever get news or news headlines on Facebook.” News is defined as “information about events and issues that involve more than just your friends or family.”
    Most folks in the survey did NOT identify Facebook as a place where they go for news, but only a place they hear about news while they are there.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is  a regular feature of TimLennox.com]

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