Oct 13, 2013

Sunday Focus: TV News

     Who watches which local stations for news, and when?
     Companies spend millions trying to answer that question.
     Now PEW is out with a new report on local and cable news viewers, and there are some surprises. 
     Most significant: folks who watch FOX cable also watch MSNBC, and vis versa.
     Media experts had believed people chose a cable news outlet that best matched their own beliefs and stayed with them...but the new study found that is not the case.
     Also: viewers who are the heaviest news viewers tend to watch a lot of cable-TV news, not exactly a shock, but interesting. I'm confident if there were a local/state news channel that operated 24/7 it would attract more viewing hours by heavy news viewers than stations with only now and then newscasts too.

AND..may I welcome you to come by CBS 8 or ABC Montgomery in the morning starting at 5:00AM to join me, Jamie and Marcy for Alabama News Network Morning? Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I don't fit the mold. I haven't watched or even glanced at Faux News for years.
