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Nov 24, 2013

Sunday Focus: Medicaid Expansion in Alabama

     The battle continues over the proposal that Alabama accept $1.5 Billion from the Federal Government each year for three years to expand Medicaid, the health care program for the poor.

     Two of the main leaders on either side are Republican Governor Bentley, who says it won't work, and The CEO of the Retirement Systems of Alabama, David Bronner, who says it is a no brainer that the state should say YES, and loudly too.

     And The New York Times' Tim Egan has weighed in...on the side of expanding (of course, being a Yankee and a NY Times writer and all that--a comment I make to save you the trouble of making that comment below this posting). He calls it The South's New Lost Cause.

     One interesting point in his column: RomneyCare signed up 123 people in its first month in Massachusetts.

     Watch a report from Alabama News Network here that includes comments from both Bentley and Bronner.

Who do you believe?

[Sunday Focus is a regular feature of]

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Tim. As a healthcare professional working in a large hospital, the futility (and the damage) of our governor's stubborn stance is distressing.
