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Jan 13, 2014

MMMM # 426 -- Define Journalist, and finding your high-speed Internet

     What is a journalist? The question comes up each semester in the class I teach at Trenholm Tech in Montgomery.
     John Miller told CBS This Morning journalists are "almost the same" as a CIA intelligence officers. I wasn't sure who was more insulted by the comparison, the spies or the reporters!

Some Random notes:

  •      The Columbia Journalism Reviews site has a list that old(er) journalists like myself need to read. Twice. Really. 
  • Who knew? There is an FCC website that allows you to find out what high-speed Internet service is available where you live. Just enter your address. Here's the site.

  • Yes, I knew there was something of a revolving door in government...out-of-office U.S. Senators go to work for companies looking for the Senate. Retired Generals go to work for defense contractors, etc etc. But I did not know that former FCC Chairman Michael Powell is now head of The National Cable and Telecommunications
    ! So just how much compassion did he have for viewers during his FCC time? He was interviewed on NPR Sunday, and I am sure you will be shocked to know he defended the cable TV industry's virtual monopoly on high speed Internet service to the bitter end.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether a company is violating copyright by taking network TV signals and reselling them to online customers.
[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of Tim]

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