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Feb 24, 2014

A Monday Evening Media Memo: Outdoor Signs

     The Pepsi folks (Buffalo Rock)  are wrapping an old electronic sign on top of a downtown Birmingham high-rise with a vinyl ad for their product.
Just to show where the sign is located.

Here's the actual design they came up with.

     I know a little about that old electronic sign. I did a TV story about it in Birmingham when two guys bought it and put back in working order in the 90's. I even got a of the bread plate sized glass lenses from the original electronics.
     Birmingham officials object to the plan, saying it violates the city's sign ordinance for that district. The company that owns the sign says it is legal...though the sign they originally presented for approval was much less "Pepsi" and more "Birmingham".
     At last report the sign was going up despite the objections.
     Sign controversies are nothing new in Birmingham. The Levi's company and the old Parisian Department Stores proposed putting a pair of Levi jeans on the statue of Vulcan as an Olympic fundraiser in1983, though it never happened...and the statue itself held ads for various products in his hand when he was in the Fairgrounds, before he was placed up on Red Mountain.

Vulcan at the State Fairgrounds...

....with an ice cream cone ad!
      I'm not a big fan of intrusive advertising like billboards---litter on a stick some folks call them
     If Birmingham were Las Vegas, or if Downtown were Times Square, perhaps. 
     But my gut tells me the negative publicity about the sign will negate any increased soft drink sales.

[The Monday Morning {and sometimes evening} Media Memo is a regular feature of

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