Feb 9, 2014

Some recommended Sunday reading

  • You may have to be a subscriber to the new & improved Montgomery Advertiser, but don't miss Wayne Flynt's review of the wages of relentless kowtowing to business by Alabama...including this:
    ...why did Boeing locate its facility in Seattle, one of the highest taxed, most unionized, environmentally regulated, politically liberal, culturally and ethnically diverse, religiously tolerant and well educated places in the nation, instead of Alabama?
    • ....keep Professor Flynt's excellent analysis in mind when you ready this boosterism from The Advertiser: Tourism is booming!
Up in Birmingham, John Archibald has updated a cleaver idea: shortest titles of Alabama-centric books, like "Business Ethics" by Richard Scrushy.

  •  New Yorkers will have their image of Alabama reinforced by a New York Daily News story about the Birmingham restaurant
    owner who fired a shot at an unhappy customer.
Happy Reading!

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