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Mar 27, 2014

Alabama's Four Year Colleges

     There's a new report about that purports to grade the state's Colleges and Universities by their ROI--return on investment.
     While that's interesting, the graduation rates that are used in part to arrive at the rankings are eye-opening too. Just to is the Alabama school with the highest grad rate and the one with the lowest.
SCHOOL                      GRADUATION RATE         COST               ROI

SAMFORD                   71%                                    $153,800          4.2%

Alabama State
University                     26%                                    $76,970            3.6%

You can find all of the Alabama schools here, and the page to search for schools anywhere here.


  1. Apples and oranges.

    Samford is a private, church related college with relatively small enrollment. ASU is a public university.

  2. I think you need to bring this up again Monday at the morning meeting...good story here. I'm interested in hearing from Dr. Boyd and maybe even Chancellor Hawkins as why these public universities are not producing a better rate of graduation.
