Jun 18, 2014

End of Life

     I took part in funeral services for an amazing woman this week.      
     The church was filled with her relatives....children, grand-children, great-grand-children and even great-great grandchildren. 
     She was 94 when she died, a long life that was celebrated during the services, even as we mourned her passing.
     Death came quietly for her, in a nursing home, with a deep final breath and silence.
     For some families---though certainly not that one--- the end of life for their loved ones is much more traumatic. Their kin is suffering, and they wish for a way to help them end it.
     Gallup is out with a poll on assisted suicide, and even many regular church going Americans---almost a majority---support it:

     Here is the full Gallup poll information on approval for a painless end of life.

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