Jun 15, 2014

Enlightened Events of this Sunday...

From Afghanistan:

.....the Taliban cut off the ink-stained fingers of 11 voters on Saturday in western Herat province.

From Oregon:
The most recent school shooter...a 15 year old Freshman...who was very active in his Mormon church...

 "...wanted to kill "sinners," the teen wrote in his diary.

From New York:

....(a lawsuit was filed on behalf of workers who)...refused to participate in religious rites in the
workplace called Onionhead — which included praying, thanking God for their jobs, and saying "I love you" to management and co-workers   

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/06/15/4179536/official-roadside-bomb-kills-11.html#storylink=cpy

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