Jun 16, 2014

MMMM #454 ---Watergate at 40, the curse of reader "comments", and more

  NPR conducted an interview on Friday with Bob Woodward and Carl Burnstein inside the Watergate Offices where the infamous arrests happened 40 years ago this Summer. It's a good listen and a reminder of the power of journalism done (mostly) right.

     Now al.com has started a "News lab"...it was mentioned, perhaps for the first time, in their coverage of the SPLC Prison report last week:
AL.com is reaching out to Alabamians for a closer look at prison problems as part of the Alabama Investigation Journalism Lab.
Launched this year by Alabama Media Group, the lab encourages innovation in digital journalism and audience interaction to guide and inform reporting on complex stories. Partners in the lab include the Center for Investigative Reporting and NPR station WBHM.
     If there is ONE thing the "lab" should do is eliminate the anonymous comments after stories!
As I have posted before: it is the absolute WORST of Talkradio inserted into what used to be one of the best sources for news, newspapers. "Readers" should be able to say anything they want...but make 'em provide their real name and address.  The anonymous spewing of hate and rhetoric is just plain awful.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of www.timlennox.com]

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