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Aug 18, 2014

Gatorsaurus, Second thoughts

     The fifteen foot, thousand pound gator caught in Alabama's Black Belt will be stuffed. Here's a Google Earth still of the taxidermy shop that will do the job. 
      You can even see the Google auto-drive car that took the pictures reflected in the window. It doesn't look like the building would be big enough to even contain the gator..but it is deeper than it is wide, so I'm sure they'll find a way.

ABC has more details on the battle with the big creature. It was a shotgun shot that killed it. Between the eyes. Into the brain.       
     Not sure why that makes an emotional difference to me, after all pretty much all hunting involved using tools to kill critters. 
     I know the family wasn't expected to wrastle it to the ground and give it a shot to put it to sleep, but at what point does the hunter's tools/weapons provide too much of a disadvantage? Would a stick of dynamite have been "fair"..whatever that is in hunting.
     What do you think??

1 comment:

  1. You wouldn't want this critter prowling around your house. Nosiree.

    This isn't a playful little puppy.
