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Nov 23, 2014

Dana Siegelman, Governor's daughter, Injured in hit and run.

Dana was hurt in a hit and run accident...details in this email from Pam Miles:

Dear friends,

Dana Siegelman, daughter of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, while riding her bicycle home from working at a small café was hit by a speeding car.   She was hospitalized and has undergone two surgeries.  Dana needs your prayers, and if you can, your financial support.  Please read this to understand why I am making this heartfelt plea.

Dana was the victim of a hit and run. She was wearing a vest with flashing lights on the back and her bicycle had a light on the back as well. The car was speeding and never slowed down or attempted to brake, hit her and kept going.  As of yet, we have no word from the Long Beach Police on any progress in identifying and locating the driver of the hit and run vehicle. There were witnesses to the accident.

I spoke to Governor Siegelman last night and he told me Dana was banged up pretty badly, taken by ambulance to the hospital in Long Beach where she has undergone two surgeries on the thigh and calf and has had skin grafts.  She will be in a wheelchair for about six weeks before she will be able to walk. All in all we know she is BLESSED for it could have been far worse.

Right now, Dana is between schools and jobs.  Governor Siegelman told me Dana has been waiting to apply for a job opening with The Harvard Divinity School.  If she is selected, she'll move to Boston and once again apply to their PHD program.  After graduating cum laude from California State University, Dana did graduate work in Peace and Conflict at Haifa University in Israel.  She has a Masters in International Relations from Cambridge, U.K. and had been working on her second Masters in Middle Eastern Studies at the American University in Cairo, Egypt, when the second revolution broke out. Dana then returned to California and now awaits this new opportunity with The Harvard Divinity School.  She has always managed to work and support herself.  Dana is writing and hopes to publish her first major work soon; she has been teaching yoga at “Love Life Yoga” which she founded.

Don says, “Dana is sad because she won’t be able to be with me on December 15th, and I am sad because I can’t be with her.”

Dana will return to the skin graft doctor on Tuesday. She'll remain under the doctor's supervision to ensure that the skin graft "takes" and doesn't get infected.

Would you send prayers for God to give Dana strength as she recovers, cards to help her spirits and if you are able a financial donation to ease her worries about finances as she goes down the road to recovery.   Dana’s mailing address is:  Dana Siegelman, 1257 East 1st Street, Long Beach, CA 90802  UPDATE: Pam tells me Dana is out of the hospital.


  1. Thank you for sharing! I've been friends with Dana since high school and saw her a few months ago. This is so scary but I'm glad you included her address for those of us who want to support her.

  2. A exceptional young woman. She has dared to champion her father against politically-motivated persecution. My prayers go out to her and her family.
