Nov 10, 2014

MMMM #471 --- Remembering WWI, Found Photos, and a Sports Ombudsman

        The Alabama Department of Archives and History opened an
Poison gas was used in WWI
 exhibit about Alabama and World War One on Sunday...appropriate since the building the archives is located was constructed as a memorial to those who died in that War, and because tomorrow is Veterans Day.

Nobody considered there would be a second World War so soon after the first, and so the Archives building is named simply The World War memorial

Rod Frazer, "Send The Alabamians"

 The Exhibit is titled Alabamians in The Great War, and author Rod Frazer was at Sunday's Grand Opening to discuss his book about the 167th Infantry Regiment of the WWI Rainbow Division, which fought in eastern France in the final months of the war.
     The exhibit will be open through the centennial of the U.S. entry into the war in 1917.

     A Million photos of the first six decades of the 20th Century---many of them taken in New York City, including this photo of a mother and child at Ellis Island--- are being offered for sale.
     There are larger collections around, but probably not in private hands. The auction price starts at $5-Million.


     I was happily surprised to read that there is an Ombudsman at ESPN..though considering the controversies involving sports stories in recent years I suppose one is needed.
     An ombudsman/woman acts as a viewer or reader representative, reviewing complaints. The best are 100% independent and able to issue critical reports with no interference.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a longstanding regular feature of]

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