Nov 15, 2014

Saturday Data: Your Privacy is Dead (If You Ever Had It).

     AT&T admits it used a kind of "super-cookie" to track smart phone users Internet travels. 
     That comes not long after we learned the feds were using technology in planes to pick up signals from cell phones, some from suspected criminals, some from folks like you.
  In response, some products are offering aggressive privacy options. Firefox now has a "forget" button and a way to browse the web without being recorded everywhere you go.
     In the early 1980's an early computer geek in Birmingham told me he could find out lots about me without my knowledge, and later sent me a list of property I owned and who lived there and their was eye opening back then. 
     Now everybody can know lots of public information, and even some private info about almost anyone, if they work at it. And a recent PEW study found people know they probably can not remain private online:

[Saturday Data is a regular feature of]

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