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Nov 23, 2014

Sunday Focus: A Ferguson Media Extra

    The Grand Jury considering the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri is at home today, reportedly taking a break in their deliberations until Monday.    
     But there is no shortage of Ferguson related matters to discuss in their absence.
     For example, the reporting of the CBS-TV affiliate in Saint Louis. They posted a story about an on-line discussion group and a person claiming to be a Ferguson cop, warning people to arm themselves:

"Talking to “St. Louis Coptalk” forum, a supposed police officer in the Ferguson area issued a warning to others in the community to “protect” their families with firearms.
.....(using) the name “A Concerned Cop,” one commenter shared the following warning:
“If you do not have a gun, get one and get one soon. We will not be able to protect you or your family. It will be your responsibility to protect them. Our gutless commanders and politicians have neutered us. I’m serious, get a gun, get more than one, and keep one with you at all times.”
The identity of the commenter or their status as a police officer was not confirmed by independent sources." (KMOX TV News report)

     What the station apparently means: we have no idea if he is really a cop.  But that didn't stop the station from reporting it, following the lead of other media, notably newspapers, that now regularly quote anonymous commentators inside stories.
    Meanwhile, The Mayor of Saint Louis wrote on his website: 
"The bottom line is that we have instructed our police officers to protect the protesters’ Constitutional rights. We have directed them to use more active tactics only when necessary to keep people safe or to protect property."
     Uh, Mr. Mayor, if it was necessary to do that, perhaps you need to hire new police officers. Did you need to also instruct them to enforce the law? 

[Sunday Focus is a regular feature of]

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