Jan 23, 2015

Federal Judge: Alabama DOMA Law is Unconstitutional

      Another Federal judge has overturned another state ban on same-sex marriage...the one in Alabama.

     All of this is going before the U.S. Supreme Court. The vast majority of the lower courts have ruled against the state bans, especially when they refuse to accept marriages performed in other states. There are 50 UNITED States, and the legal contracts created in one must be accepted by the others., so it is hard to see how SCOTUS could uphold the bans entirely.
     Then again, I am not a lawyer, as you may have noticed, so we'll see.
[UPDATE: React from the Alabama GOP Chairman: 

"I urge the Attorney General's office to use every resource available to challenge, to the fullest extent, this ruling and stop the federal government's overreaching power in this case. The fact that a federal judge in Alabama has ruled against Alabama's constitution is a clear indication that the Democratic Party's platform to promote same-sex marriage is impacting our way of life in Alabama. Few elected officials remain in the Democratic Party in Alabama today because of the radical positions taken by their Party and implemented federal judges like Judge Granade. I suspect that there will be even fewer elected officials in Alabama who claim to be Democrats after this ruling."

[NOTE: Some Alabama politicians say the state should ignore any Supreme Court ruling...The Montgomery Advertiser quotes one: “We continue to call for a national, nonviolent action of civil disobedience by all Americans who believe in the will of the people, who voted against ‘same sex marriage,’ by the authority of the Tenth Amendment,” said (Franklin) Raddish, the founder and director of Capital Hill Independent Baptist Ministries (in Washington D.C.), at one of the protests.]


  1. At least the GOP statement used "Democratic Party" rather than "Democrat Party."
