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Feb 5, 2015

The Jobs Pulse of Your City

 Provo-Orem, Utah, a metro 40 miles south of Salt Lake City with about 600,000 residents, has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. Led by a booming tech sector, its employment has grown 16 percent since 2010, and a good percentage of its new jobs pay more than $16.60 an hour, the metro’s living wage. For these reasons and others, Provo-Orem is ranked as the No. 1 labor market in the inaugural Labor Market 150 Index, presented by CareerBuilder and Economic Modeling Specialists Intl.
(Link from CBS Moneywatch)

Montgomery, Alabama

Alabama's major cities? Mobile is the highest ranked, Montgomery the lowest.

City                       Score       Rank

Mobile                  48.9         51 

Huntsville             45.6         78 

Birmingham          43.6        92

Montgomery          33.5       133

Mobile, Alabama

HERE's the full list of the country's cities ranked according to the Labor Market 150 Index.

1 comment:

  1. This doesn't give a good picture. I live in Frederick MD which is Maryland's second largest city, but has thousands of commuters to DC and to Baltimore--both about 40 miles from Frederick.

    DC, being the home of our beloved Federal government, is rather immune to recessions, and growth is limited by population density.

    Baltimore, with more manufacturing facilities, suffers recessions more.
