Apr 13, 2015

MMMM # 489 --- Thanks a lot, New Media!

     It was hardly a scoop when Hillary Clinton made it official yesterday, saying she is in fact a candidate for president.

     Had she been doing it back in 1991, when Bill Clinton announced his candidacy, she probably would have also gathered reporters on the steps of the Arkansas Statehouse to make the announcement.

   But that was then, and yesterday is now, and so Hillary used "new media" to make the announcement via Facebook and Twitter and the rest of the usual suspects.

    It accomplished two things. It gave her a modern touch despite her age, and allowed her to get through Day One of her campaign without have to answer questions from those pesky old-media political reporters.

     Yes, there will be many, many opportunities to ask those questions, but new media allowed Hillary to get a clean start, with no danger of a badly answered question.


     The fallout continues from Rolling Stone's epic failure in publishing a most likely false campus rape story. Now the magazine that investigated that failure for Rolling Stone, The Columbia Journalism Review, is asking how much damage was done. You can read that article HERE.


     And one more recommendation: read a column in The Dallas Morning News by a senior at Southern Methodist University.         
     Claire Kelley writes about the changes in journalism--fewer jobs for more college grads--and does so in a refreshing way. 
     Hope it helps her get of those declining positions.


On a NETWORK news page:
Husband Dies in Grocery Store Holdup Gone Wrong!
Like JUST robbing the store would have made it "gone right"????


And my cousin Joe was interviewed on NBC as a space history expert. HERE's the story...Joe Lennox pops up at about :35  into the story. 

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a longstanding regular feature of www.TimLennox.com]

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