Apr 11, 2015

Saturday Data: Segregation Bustin' Recollections

     The Author of a book about the desegregation of his school---How I Shed My Skin--- was interviewed on NPR on Saturday. 
     You can hear or read  the interview with Jim Grimsley on the NPR website.

    Grimsley had to learn the error of his ways, growing away from the "good little racist" he was. 
Rev. Graetz and Dr King

     White Lutheran Minister Robert Graetz and his wife and family arrived in Montgomery fully ready to battle racism. His house was bombed three times and he was ostracized for siding with the Bus Boycott protestors in 1955, He was profiled this week in a Montgomery Advertiser story, and is identified as one of the "cool things" for visitors to experience when they visit the city.

[Saturday Data is a regular feature of www.TimLennox.com]

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