Sep 11, 2015

Pre-K Education

UPDATE: this program will also air at 4:30 this (Sunday) afternoon.

The Secretary of the Department of Early Childhood Education will be one of the guests on Sunday morning's Your Community This Week on ABC Montgomery.
     And PEW reports States seem to agree on the importance of pre-K for kids, even as they take different approaches to it. Only 9% of Alabama 4 year olds are enrolled.
Jeana Ross will discuss Early Childhood Education Sunday morning at 9:00 on ABC Montgomery
 From the PEW report:
Policymakers in Minnesota, like many across the country, have been impressed by studies that show early education can improve a child’s life and save taxpayers money over the long term. But while there’s a growing consensus on the value of preschool, states disagree on where the programs should be based, who should run them, or how the government should support them.

     Join us Sunday Morning at 9:00 AM on ABC Montgomery. 
     We'll also learn about the annual Montgomery Zoo benefit called Zoobilation.


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