Jan 12, 2016

Redux Iran: 2016 vs 1979

     The TV Screen with CNN reporting on today's holding of ten American sailors by Iran...juxtaposed with the countdown to the President's State of The Union Speech tonight... reminded me of the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979, which led to the end of the Jimmy Carter Presidency and decades of frozen relations with Iran. 
     ABC's Nightline was created as a way for ABC to report on the crisis every day in depth without having to give up World News Tonight real estate. And the graphic on each broadcast was a count UP of sorts, naming each Nightline episode by the number of days since the hostages were taken from the U.S. Embassy.

  You can watch an ABC Nightline from that era, 30 days into the crisis, HERE



  But that was 1979. This is 2016.
  I expect President Obama will announce a swift end to the sailor's plight at the start of the State of The Union address. Watch for it at 7:00PM on Alabama News Network.

[UPDATE: OK< I was wrong about the timing, but the sailors were released overnight and are safe.]

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