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Mar 14, 2016

MMMM #531 --- Thursday's Malarkey.

     The annual celebration of green beer and other foolishness that accompanies St. Patrick's Day is upon us.
     Three of my four grandparents were Irish born, so I am not far from the Island. To honor them, and remind myself of my past, I enjoy dual citizenship with Ireland.
   Has he lived, my Dad would have been 95 a week ago.
     His last sibling passed a few years back and I took the bridge photo below out of the window of the car carrying me to her funeral in New York.      
     I was proud when The New York Times selected it from among contributed photos for publication the year after her death.

     Now one of my favorite N.Y. Times columnists, Timothy Egan, has written a wonderful column about the Irish experience, putting it into perspective by connecting Ireland and the famine and the American South and the Civil Rights Movement. For sure, it is an imperfect connection, but perhaps true enough for readers see connectives between misery then, and even now. 
    The Times has a pay wall, but I hope you will be able to read it HERE.

{Sorry for the late posting! But it is still Monday, though barely.}  
[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of]

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