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Aug 2, 2016

Media Extra: Olympic$zzzzzzzz.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Forty-eight percent of Americans say they plan to watch a "great deal" or "fair amount" of the 2016 Summer Olympics. This is a sharp drop from 59% in 2012 and easily the lowest percentage planning to watch compared with the past four Summer Games.

Perhaps it is a combination of Zica and unprepared Brazilian Olympic facilities. But the Gallup research does not bode well for the very expensive game broadcasts. Variety reports:

"U.S. TV rights have become more expensive with each successive Summer Olympics. NBCU paid $1.226 billion for rights to the Rio Games, slightly more than the $1.18 billion it paid for rights to London four years ago, and well above the $900 million it paid for Beijing. That creates pressure for NBCU to deliver more revenue in order to see stable or, ideally, increasing profits from its investment."

HERE are the full Gallup research results. 

UPDATE:Opening of games has lowest ratings since....1992.

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