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May 30, 2019

Reversing Roe v Wade? Some Second Thoughts.

"Alabama does have a network of “crisis pregnancy centers,” which offer support for women and their babies. But that support is limited, and should Roe be overturned, those centers will be woefully insufficient to help these women and their families raise and care for their children."

     That may sound like one of the people who
demonstrated against Alabama's all-but abortion ban at The Alabama Capital recently.

But it's not. 

Remember Rob Schenck? He's the evangelical minister who "For more than 30 years...worked to overturn Roe v. Wade. As an evangelical minister...(he)...was deeply engaged in the world of the religious right..."  

That's who wrote the quote at the top. Read his entire op-ed piece HERE. Why does he says it is not pro-life to want Roe overturned.

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